11:51 ErikAtlas: The flight to Manila was long. I made myself workout brutally before boarding so I could sleep through it. I was grateful there were plenty of people willing to point me in the right direction. Standing 6'5" and wide as a house, I didn't exactly hide here. The place was named simply, "Steam Room."
I got to see the main arena from a screen in the locker area. It's a ring in a low set room with stands built high around it in three tiers. You can smell mansex and sweat just looking at it. Good thing those are my favorites. I'm here to take on a man they call "Assassin." Hoping that's showmanship and he ain't looking to kill me today, but the name makes a warning - be ready for it all.
I'm in black skin tight long cut trunks framing my legs with super velcro side panels so I can get naked quickly and deliberately when I need to. I got some pictures of the Asian Assassin and maybe I'm gonna want to get naked.
The locker room explodes in noise and you make your entrance to the house - it looks like the locals are accustomed to you winning. I will be disappointing them.
12:49 AsianAssassin: Just getting this match even set felt like a dream. The great Atlas... titan of the rings underground and international agreeing to a match with the lethal Filipino. Granted, my reputation as an actual assassin was what got me this esteem in the first place but not everyone wanted fight an actual... well.. professional. Despite all the rules, laws, and contracts that limit such exercise of option, people didn't seem to trust that I can control myself.
I've only ever failed to do so once.
That said, hearing that the 6'5" titan agreed to fly to Manila for this special match... just had me gushing with anticipation and complete erotic excitement. The open secret of the underground fight clubs all over the world is that if you want a show, Manila is the place for it. And I've admired Atlas the Titan for the longest time. A massive mountain of muscle that could break a man in pieces yet never really did, at least in public. A stark contrast to me. Now he's here for a muscle fight... a showdown to see if you can assassinate a demigod.
I walk into the house and the reception is deafening! The crowd explodes in admiration and bloodthirsty fury! They both love and hate me, I know. Like seeing your idol fight, suffer, and survive becomes almost tedious and these people want something else... They want my suffering. They think the Titan will make me suffer. They maybe are mistaken, thinking Atlas invented crushing man tortures. I must again show them what I can do.
I walk in with my standard black compression pants with a release lock-zip specially made for me. Cock, cum, and crushing moves are always best naked so we're ready for such scenarios. And I WANT to get naked with the Atlas.
Tonight, a titan will shrug. A titan will suffer and fall.

I watch you come into the locker room... some aspects of you bigger than I expected, the sheer amount of muscle and that chest for one. Some parts seem smaller, not sure why, expecting you to be taller. You get ready and strip down naked, swinging that big 10 incher. Nice, but I plan to make that a decoration more than a tool.
You get yourself dressed, standing before you in my black shorts and boots, a good 5" taller. Nodding politely... "Assassin..." I watch your entourage stand tall ready for ambush or worse. I hold up a hand in peace, and put my other hand out to shake yours... "You look good..." smiling the charm…
16:04 AsianAssassin: Everyone takes a moment to take it all in. The size difference, the hush of the moment. The sexual tension, the bubbling aggression underneath. I nod and smile politely, sincerely. "Atlas. It's an honor." As I offer my hand in sportsmanship and shake and hold just a moment longer than we should.
The room tenses even further. You are MASSIVE. Everyone can see that. They fear for someone's safety. They HAVE seen me break bigger men before but you quite the beast.
Deep down though, my mind alread swirls with scenes of physical and sexual domination. And I will admit that some of those moments consider losing to you. No shame in that, just being aware of possibilities. Masterminding the best ways to avoid such conclusions. My grip on your hand allows me to get a glimpse of the kind of fighter... lover... man that you are.
I see you look down on my cock. No doubt already thinking of ways to abuse it. I smirk, already picking targets on your massive body.
The smile widens, still warm but with mischief at the tips. "You do too. Though I have ideas on how to make you look even better." I wink.
05:26 ErikAtlas: You brazenly tempt me to show off with those words. I grin at the thought. "That would be so kind. Would you help me oil up before the match? You know, muscles always look better with a little oil." I grab some from my bag and hand it to you, stepping into your personal space with all your pack watching, arms wide open, slightly vulnerable. My eyes never leave yours, making this all about YOU and ME. A wall of muscle heat looming in your face.
08:01 AsianAssassin: You mention oil and that short trip you take from your bag to grab it allows me a great view of your glutes. Lesser humans would swoon and faint as such a sight. Some on the team nearly do. I take note of them and realize they might need deeper training later.
My attention is piqued so much so that I do not flinch as you get into my space to offer the bottle. You spread your arms and T-pose for me and your massive wingspan seems to eclipse the room. The magic works. I quickly feel there are only the two of us here now, and the tension that binds us together. I give no reaction. There is no smirk or micro expression as I take some of that oil into my palm, rub my hands together and start to outline your pecs.Starting with my thumbs on the bottom crevasse between your muscle and rib cage. I work my way around... to the sides, then slowly, deliberately spiraling to the central meat. I take advantage of subtle targets, making sure to graze your nipples with my wrists. I start to move and coat the rest of your body. I know this is a tactic you use to arouse your opponents, and yes it’s working. It offers me a fair exchange to do the same to you. Making sure I gently bathe your skin with hot breath, moist, and rich with intent.
"You have tightness here." As I run my hands on your lats. "Do you want me to...?" Others would say I should've kept quiet... that was a weakness usable later on. I do not share that opinion. I will bring gifts and invest in the idea that maybe you owe me in return.
16:12 ErikAtlas: I won't lie, the hands on my back feel good, and I have a good inventory of the places you'd touch first if you had the choice. You like my chest, it’s hard to miss. I sense you would bust a nut to ride my back. The offer to work on the tightness in my back ... well some days a man needs to stop and enjoy the gifts of the day, even when surrounded by sharks. "Thank you, it was a long flight... back is stiff..." I nod.
I can hear the few men around us moan a slow moment and I allow you behind me. My mind is tempted to drift to my "lover" Scott Damm. We're not really ever broken up. He started traveling east, I went everywhere. There was a soft promise to meet some day in the middle. Of course, what's the middle between Syria and everywhere? Scott greeted me with a massage every time.
"They call you Assassin. But what's your name?" Small talk while you touch me…
17:00 AsianAssassin: The room sighs and shivers at this pure-ish exchange between us. Seemingly impossible considering what we need to do to each other in a few minutes. I start to work and massage that stiffness. Deep strokes, enough to get blood pumping into the area but not so much that it would hinder performance. I... greedily... want you at your best later as anything less would be dishonorable in an arena of this format. I may be a killer, but this isn't a deathmatch.
I realize the irony of this whole situation. I became who I am to avenge the ones I lost... and through this I found love and adoration. I met my own titan, Troy, who is on his own adventure in the Americas. I completely dominated him when we first met and then somehow... somehow... he made me realize that I could be... anything with him. He is my kryptonite and I love him for it.
And damn it, you're practically the same height and build.
"Alex." I say. I imagined the first time Troy and I met. He asked the same thing.
I manage to work the knot in your shoulder relaxed now and I pull away. "All done. Can I charge you for dinner after, then?" I laugh as I say it.
00:09 ErikAtlas: I smile at the comment, watching you play some movie of memory in your head (or an inventory of what you plan to do to me... although that usually involves more growling.) I take the oil bottle from your hand and work my hands slick. And without overture, I start to work your shoulders, down your arms. "Alex... I'm Erik." Without saying 'my turn' I start My Turn. Oiling your body thinly and enough to make the sculpted detail of your body shine and stand out. Still face to face, working your neck, huge hands grip that thick-muscled column but merely on the skin. Then down your chest.
"Dinner would be fine. I'm new in town, you should pick..." talking as if no one's going to an emergency room after this. Then, arms behind you, oiling your back, by consequence, I pull your face to that junction of my upper pec and shoulder. Warm smooth skin.
Of course, every inch of you touching me was a seething experience of lust and everything I could do to not moan through it. Your muscles are solid. You get a slow motion preview of the Atlas bearhug slowly engulfing you, oiling your back.
And hips so close, only thin clothing stopping the sensation, cocks touch. You fight and have for years, man touch sensations caint be new to you. I finish with your back... eyes meeting, I slowly kneel on one knee, placing your hand on my shoulder. I lift your foot and place it on my knee. and oil your left leg... then your right. I swear I hear your men moaning softly.
As I stand, my chest rises close to your face. Both of us specimens of power and male sizzling lust. I work on your right hand. I expected it to be strong, but the thickness of muscle and square edges of power send the biggest warning to me out of all of this inventory. The hands have killed. Yea yea, I know that, but wow, now I really understand. I nod slowly. Time for small talk, "I hear the betting is intense this evening. Any idea who's the favorite?"
Big smile
09:29 AsianAssassin: I smile back. Despite the lethal edge I really am just a bashful boy. And the quick, expert oil down you inflict gives me just the right shivers. If we weren't about to break each other in the ring, we would be breaking each other in bed.
I feel the sexual static between us and well, it's not a surprise that everyone around us is basically cumming themselves already. At this point whoever wins the match has a hollow title... everyone wins from the sheer overwhelming wave of sensuality between us.
"Oh the betting is even, frankly, Erik." I use your name as though we've been friends for years already. "Even my own home crowd wants me wrecked. Can you imagine?" I sigh with a hefty amount of exaggerated woe. "You seem to be the fan favorite." And I don't blame anyone for this.
It's hard being a champ for a while. Of course, you build up a certain myth around yourself that people would just love to break. Besides, you're like twice my size. Everyone thinks it's gonna be a hard fought match.
Either way, the house wins.
04:34 ErikAtlas: I see the near blushing smile. I draw a knuckle over your nipple and then give you some space. The floor manager comes in and screams something in Tagalog. Everyone starts moving and I let them. Then make last preparations. I face moves to ice as they shout "Errikatlllas!"
If the introduction is anything like the usual show, they shout that I'm 6'5", weighing 298 pounds, 61" chest 23" arms and I eat babies. They might even have said something about my mom. I just know nobody's laughing when I enter. It's not a huge ring, 15' x15' elevated. The bad news is if you pitch over the ropes there's a narrow 2' then a cement wall 15' high...
I get in the ring and the place explodes. I have no special ''Oracion'', the usual Filipino ritual for the entry, but I bow respectfully, which seems to be more respectful than they expected. The referee comes up to me and he's a seriously tiny man. I must be a giant here to everyone. I kiss my right fist, then the left, and pound my chest like a drum. The place goes insane!
Waiting on the Assassin…
03:58 AsianAssassin: You get introduced first and of course the home crowd is wary. A massive white man, larger than anyone else who had come before... vying to claim their champion. They offer you cautious acknowledgement until you greet them with some show of respect. You might not be as bad as the others who only come to conquer. You.. might actually be... a worthy fighter. The crowd warms up to you, suddenly realizing it might be the greatest match in Manila since the Thrilla!
The cheers they offer you pale in comparison though as the announcement changes... 6'... 242 pounds.. the Manila Killah.. "ASIANNNNNNASSAAAAAAASSIIIIIIIN!" And as if an explosion, an earthquake, an act of god erupts in the arena. The crowd celebrating their hero as I enter, fist raised into the air with my usual strut into the ring. My eyes stay mainly focused on you as I walk down the aisle to the most anticipated ceremony of the season. Only to dart occasional glances to the crowd and nodding to them respectfully.
The ring is small, especially with you in it. I consider all the ways that could be used for and against me. The slams and submission pounding in my ear in time to the rock track pumping the halls for my entrance music.
Finally I get into the ring and with such giants as us in the ring, there is not much escape room The ref is going to have to watch where he puts his face. The ref walks up to both of us, asking for a good, clean match, giving me a wink. He also whispers in Tagalog that he hopes I win... but whatever happens, happens. A Filipino fatalism at its best. I answer with a shake of my head and smile.
I walk to my corner and stretch out, giving you and the audience a show. This may be a fighting arena but the crowd knows that it’s also a live "show". I look over to you and mouth "good luck to you", but I think the crowd reads it as something else. They go INSANE.
I then walk to the center to meet you, and await the bell...
19:28 ErikAtlas: You mouth good luck to me and the house whistles in a swelling uproar. I get it, it looks like you just blew me a kiss. Such raw materials are hard to ignore when you're a recovering class clown, like myself. I make a kiss and grab my crotch… I just couldn’t resist. I am not sure how much more ceremony the house has prepared before we start. The unvarnished nature of the house seems to indicate they might think lights and a sound system are over flowering the fight. There's a siren sounding!
I lunge into action grabbing your near wrist and drag you in a sweeping circle with POWER! Turning your back 90 degrees, hand planted on your chest I SHOVE YOU HARD! Your feet barely touch the mats as you rocket the mere 8 feet to the corner behind you SHAKING the ring ropes on impact! The crowd slips into a shocked silence then explodes in cheers and boos and whistles at my first show of Atlas power.
Walking slowly to you, the strut of huge powerful shoulders and masculine power walking to you, a wall of solid muscle...

10:45 AsianAssassin: The crowd goes crazy with your display of power. No one has ever done that to me before. I lift off the ground from a palm to chest and my back IMPACTS the corner and the crowd FEELS it. I find myself coughing a wad of spit from the shock and hang on the ropes for a moment. I try to feel if my ribcage is still intact. You STRUT towards me, that strut that made the Russino Warrior beg for mercy in 20 seconds after the bell. You are l like a tornado, the second the siren sounded... beautiful to behold and terrifying.
I do not flinch away. After getting my bearings in such a small space I rush at the storm and unleash a flurry of my own. Feints, jabs, sidesteps, and hooks that are able to hit at the meatier part of your body. As you can probably guess, it is an assessment and a trick as I move legs to go to one side, then hop step to the other... and then suddenly SWINGS my foot to the back of your knee that sends it bending forwards, causing you to drop! My hands raise in a double fist and SLAMS it down to your shoulder and I step away to wild cheers of the people.
My face has a half-cock smirk though. "Tell me that hurts."
22:28 ErikAtlas: You hit the corner and adjust with masterful speed and a whirling blitz of fists and kicks... I manage to block most of the, those that don't hit the solid muscled armor I’ve built over years - you let me know those weren't your true targets to begin with.
You score a kick to the back of my knee driving me to one knee. Waiting for a knee strike to follow, my guard is low keeping that knee from my face SLAMMM... my eyes cross from the chisels fired into my trap muscles! OH yea that hurt, but not wasting a moment on speeches about it.
You back off and I rise driving forward hitting your gut with a huge truck sized shoulder! You get driven into the ropes, nearly missing the close wall of the pit just outside the small ring... rebound and aim your back to the mats.... SLAM!!!
19:54 AsianAssassin: That massive spear... no... MACK TRUCK rams my core and for a moment I wonder if my organs are still in the same arrangement... the thought gets blurred out as my back hits the corner, almost flying off from the pure momentum... I feel my vision blank out from the impact…
Then suddenly feel you wrapping those pythons around me going for a slam to the canvas.... I instinctively leap my legs to your waist... and wrap my arms around your neck.. forcing your drop sooner than you wanted... and with my koala like grip around you, this makes your head hit canvas first.. to THUNDEROUS effect.. both on the canvas.. and with the crowd that goes wild!
That won't stop you for long though, I know. So I have to slow you down some more.... You feel me snake my arms around your thick neck… then pulling back on your knees... then my legs wrap around your waist as I go for a rear naked choke with a backward bend.... this close you though, skin on skin, muscle on muscle, you can definitely feel my package against your mid-low back... You are about to feel real squeeze power. You feel my leg grazing over your waist as I complete the figure four lock... and... I.... SQUUEEEEZEEE!

21:53 ErikAtlas: I hit you hard and hear the deep groaning in your chest as you take the hit. LIFT to slam and for such a solid guy you quickly turn to liquid on me shifting positions before impact! We HIT and I grind you into the mats... my head run on the mats ... You slither behind me and I feel the expert grappler working.... flexing my neck and core to concrete, resisting you as you QUICKLY snake your choke into position… Your thick cock driving into my back, the simmering heat between us like a siren spell tugging at my mind - mansex with this guy is going to be incredible. A wavering distraction of positions and desires flood my head!
And dismissed… get serious Atlas… he wants to choke you out!
I've been in this position before and lived! I GRAB the toplock arm and POWER engages as I PEEL that off the back of my neck.... just enough to DROP my chin and block you killing me with that choke.... the house going insane - you clearly kill off big men quickly like this and they want more. I FIRE a deep elbow into your ribs, knowing you got that body triangle tight on me. FLEXING to iron under your power taking that squeeze power to stalemate - for now.
Rolling hard I PLANT a foot and show you POWER myself standing... my chest heaving, keeping myself breathing... the corner isn't far, I DROP forward aiming your face at the top corner buckle... we HIT and tumble... thrashing to get out of your legs after the shock-collision to the face...
08:29 AsianAssassin: You hear me grunt at your explosive rib shots. Nothing I did not expect from you, but expertly find the quick counter from being taken down quickly by the choke... something other men of your size typically don't know. Damn. This fight just got interesting. Any sense of awe is lost however as those rib shots distract me from you realizing too late that the corner is getting close...
The impact seems to create a halo of sweat around my head with lights... as I get knocked hard by the corner.. Thank goodness for padding.. but my hold slackens just enough for you to push me off. I slide downward, and to my side as the crowd expresses their fury and delight as I shake in pain and shock on the canvas. Quivering muscle as I slowly try to roll to one side with ropes... hoping to get up and recover sooner than you can.
I get to my feet a little woozy and unsure of my footing and everyone sees this. I shake my head side to side, trying to get back in the game faster. Knowing that I can see you slowly recovering as well.
09:03 ErikAtlas: I escape from the quick choke out attempt, the ape escapes the python! The house explodes in a roar. The ring is so small it's hard to back off and escape each other... so I don't even try. I roll toward you then rise ...still burning power I scoop you up and LIFT.... and DROP you over my knee on your guts - Like a backbreaker over the knee, this one carves into your abs! I can STILL feel the cobblestones of your core over my leg! But my knee carves in deep!... Shoving you off my knee to your side and standing…
09:15 AsianAssassin: You lift me up as I'm still dazed... my body tensing in full defensive mode... the ripples of the fibers and veins on my body flare out to the crowds delight then UUUNGNHHHHHH! You slam a massive GUTBUSTER into my bricks. The ring shakes from the impact. Our clash threatens to break the ring apart!
You roll me off and I drop to one side and roll on to my stomach... curling in slightly as the pillar and buttress of your thigh and knee dug deep... eyes furrowed in pain from that attack.. Knowing I can't get away from you.. I roll to one side... and catch as you kneel to get up with a sweep on the same knee I've been targeting. As you stumble, I use my arms for leverage, and THRUST my boot right to your jaw for some of that sweet titan chin music! Hoping to slow you down at least....or else, I'm fucked!
09:59 ErikAtlas: I see the gallery of the pit... three tiers of stands, looking down on us... ''why the fuk am I looking up there...?'' Then I get it, that foot hooked around and caught me hard rocking my head. I'm on my back on the mats... And they're laughing... I never expected this to be such an entertaining night out. I snap awake and FIRE up lurching to my feet…
11:39 AsianAssassin: The visual whoosh of your massive frame snapping up and then almost magically to your feet sends the crowd into a fervor. This has been perhaps the wildest match they've seen live yet... and no thanks to your seeming unstoppable will!
As you get up, I rush in and grab your hand, and with a JUMP and YANK, I snap and whip you to the middle of the ropes as I run and hit my back to the ropes opposite, my ass to the crowd giving its own entertainment....
We rush to collide, only I duck at the last moment... the few times that I CAN duck under an opponent, and then as I reach the other ropes, I turn.. slingshot and JUMP, aiming to slam a double 13 boot into your meaty pecs as you turn around to meet me!
12:03 ErikAtlas: ''fuck this small ring..'' the last thing in my head as I come of the second rebound and yur there with that dropkick. I usually drive faster to spoil dropkickers takeoff and we have no room to play that. BOOOM! Hits me in the chest and I go down with a tumble... You drop to the mats after the kick, moving faster to yur feet than I am... I wait for you to rise and SWEEP yur leg dropping yu on your ass... scrambling to take advantage and mount... I crawl on top shoving you flat...
13:48 AsianAssassin: You sweep me and I fall ass first and the next thing I know your massive bulk is trying to mount me. I try to buck you off me, hoping to not let you get a good grip on me as you try to smother me with your bulk!
My legs and quads navigate the canvas... your hips.. then your waist... as I try to wrap them around your body… python vs gorilla - I can win this exchange! Hoping to penalize you for getting close by wrapping you in another tight SQUEEZE!
14:53 ErikAtlas: You writhe under me as we strive for position. Huge muscle weight on you, sweat slick now after hard minutes of battle. Trying to pass your legs, but more working to keep your hands from getting a good striking position. Your legs find my waist and they are thick and strong.... not like mine, a more refined and elegant shape, not just brute size. URRRFFF eyes go wide... OH shit ! ... these legs know how to squeeze!
The guard squeeze like this leaves a man under your hands, impossible not to feel some intimate part of the man. Hot breath and sweat slick muscles surround me. Your inner thighs feel my core flex hard, resisting your attempt to reshape my body and that huge tool over my abs.
I squirm left and right working to get some room. That gets me nothing! It's like your skin glued to mine FLEXING hard against the pressure around me. You feel my waist turn to IRON in your thighs... dropping forward, smothering your face in my chest.
I half scored what I want, I got yu on ur back... I rise up off your face... fighting your hands, slapping them aside I drop a head RINGING ELBOW DROP!
15:38 AsianAssassin: Deadly thighs versus iron waist... I feel your thick and powerful trunk almost shapeshift into metal like some genetically gifted Russians I know... damn. Regardless, I keep the squeeze on as I know this is my best weapon right now. I just got started and I have more power to deliver!
But then you smother me with your chest and I inhale that sweat and musk you carry... I find myself taking a shallow breath to try not the get severely weakened... then swat my hand away and I can barely get them back up before... UNNNGHHHHH!
Your elbow slams my head and my eyes roll back a bit from the impact.. legs almost releasing... as my arms spread wide on the canvas... the rapid THWA-THUMP of the strike and canvas wakes me just enough to remember to SQUEEZE your core even harder this time, shifting around you, looking for weakness and finding places you’re not flexed tight. Each of us working with the angels we have. Sweat poured down my head to the canvas.. marking that crater of that impact. My cock is rock hard and throbbing from the skin on skin friction, and sensuality. I'd rather it not be excited... but damn.. I am.
I try to calculate a counter in spite of scrambled senses and get a plan to work that iron body of yours... I slam the canvas and then crunch up to meet you... I can tell you do not suspect an attack here and I feel a thrill when I slide inside your defenses! I tuck my head down and to the side... one ear against your chest as I wrap my arms around your body, half covering my skull by the jaw... arms under your pits.... hoping to wear you down a different way, as my hands connect around and behind you... and I SQUEEZE all my appendages to deliver a double crush!
16:32 ErikAtlas: (FUKK!!)
I SCORE that elbow strike and you drop flat... that's right, a shot delivered by a 23" arm will be felt for a week! You redouble your efforts crushing down on my waist... those legs are strong! Way more so than I suspected! I would not have been so willing to fall into this sticky vise... I know I got habits, I like the feeling of a muscled man wrapping around me, but I got too much riding on this one to take a vacation in a handsome car-crusher!
My elbow up like a fly-swatter ready to clock you over n over till you let go. Your face tucks into my chest, here I thought you were hiding from the shot. Your arms work around my chest and back and a four-fold BODY CRUSH unleashes on me! Eyes wide in surprise as a groaning cry gets crushed out of me! AWUGHHhhhgawd!
The gallery howls with satisfaction as they act like they all knew this shit was about to happen. <i>Like they are willing to bet on me but NO not gonna share the secrets about the secret weapons of Asian Assassin.</i> I can hear you huff in a breath like ur smug about this one. I flex hard fending off this crush! I feel like I can keep this up... a minute...? then the war of inches will be lost. I Gotta... get... out... of ..this!
I HUG against your head... on me like a vampire draining me. Shaking my head I rock back and PLANT my foot, lifting us off the mats!...
17:41 AsianAssassin: I can feel that I surprised you with this one. Can I keep up this desperate, disoriented move with the crushing weight of the fans and your mere muscle presence?
I start to feel you rock to and fro. Fuck. Then that balance shifts to you getting that ground leverage. FUCK. Finally the change in sensation as you stand up, FUCK! It's very rare that 6 feet of muscle looks small but the commenters will state that I looked like a koala climbing a tree at this very moment, in this deathhug with the titan of muscle. You grip me like a warm python around my head holding me close.... gambles within gambles. I am caught now and can only hope to weather the coming storm... or disperse the wind enough to survive!
I CLAMP on my grips around your torso and waist as the leverage angles shift letting me bear more power into the hold... hoping to restrict as much air as I can from you filling you up... while using the pain to drive you need for it more... trying to burn up your legendary power. I have defeated lesser men in this grip, killed several that were foolish to doubt my mission. I'm still somewhat dazed from your attacks, so this slow grind is my way to equalize... even gain the advantage! My ass tightens even more so against you... is that your package I feel? FFUUCCKK.
A thought comes to mind. From this angle.. I can almost... reach... it.....
A warm, hopefully sweet-sickening shudder runs through your body... as I star to lick and suck on your nipples, hidden from view by our overlapping muscle!
22:33 ErikAtlas: I rock back onto my feet and STAND as your body digs deep for hidden reserves of power! Turning RED... holy sh!t my breath is thinning... Cords stand out in my neck! You are grinding against me, my cock and your cock grinding against each other boils my blood! You wrench in tighter and start to feast on my nipple! It's a distraction, not known by many, my nipples are not a zinging turn on, but I sure feel that nipple-kiss competing for my dire attention!

My forearm levers and wedges inside your face and neck, planting my elbow near your face, and now I DROP HARD pancaking you on the mats under 300 pounds of falling flexed muscle and a spearing elbow rocking yor head! (Not sure what imma going to do if I don't slam my way out of this...!)
10:35 AsianAssassin: Like a chisel to that key point in a fracture you drive your elbow into my skull just as you SLAM your massive bulk on me. It feels like the second vehicular impact I've felt today. This isn't a wrestling match, it is more like dodging cars at the autobahn.. and I'm not succeeding.
The slam shudders the ring and my whole body hard. Muscle to muscle almost merging as one in the canvas. I focus everything I have on my legs and keep them locked on... but my arms weaken their grip around you.. and you feel me panting hard against your muscle pec. Slow, controlled, deep, and obviously trying not to lose its beat.
"Nuh... nuht bahhhd Ehrkk." I mumble... "Nnnt lhuttting guhhhhh.." A taunt... but almost like a mantra for myself. Reminding me not do so. I'm so tired from just trying to tame the titan... my cock is just rock hard against yours as well... adding to the haze of lust and combat!
11:44 ErikAtlas: The hit is explosive! I'm free from the hug, enough to get a real breath - and you hear me draw in a huge gasp as I get a breath denied me more than a solid minute. Your legs still crush tight around me... my hand on your right leg PUSHING to slide you lower on my hips so my ribs get a break...
You get a chance to feel my cock raging hard against your monster tool... Laying on top of you pushing your head back. UGHhhhfukk... still tight, those legs are a fucking surprise. But two can play the sexual distraction game... arching hips back and GRIND my package into yours.... combined with my forearm like a steel girder over your throat!, left arm hooking behind... closing a face to face sleeper on you! Lips inches from each other. Huge arms flex, framing your head and face in muscle, my thick chest pressing you heavily...and with a slanty smile, I SQUEEZE my vise like hold into place! Lips craze against yours, eyes invading eyes.
13:02 AsianAssassin: DAMN! I expected as much when fighting a massive man such as yourself and your power is definitely godlike. In my groaning state, you get to force yourself into a position of advantage. My legs are still crushing at your hips.. but this is not as potent as when they were at your waist and ribs.
You then use your steel bar forearm on my throat... eyes go wide and I immediately snap back to my senses as you go for a devastating sleeper hold... your invading eyes read the panic that's there... but that slowly turns to a glare as I will not go down without a fight... despite my shallow breaths and determination, I do what I can in this position....
I use my hands to wedge between your forearm, my locking arm, and my neck to give me some breathing space. My other hand used to slack your sleeper... my god the power in this forearm alone.... my cock responds to your power and throbs. Dammit... not now I will myself but it is, what it is.
A final gambit as you lips become even closer... I pull towards me now.. and kiss deeply.... then starts to inhale to attempt a kiss of death!
17:41 ErikAtlas: You are a grappling expert in many ways and show it right here. In spite of the crushing power locked around your neck, you lace in your arms to get air and space. I crush down MORE and tighter and seem to get nothing back from the power burn... then your lips meet mine!
I had actually dreamed of this kiss. I wanted it. I want it! Your legs on my hips and if they were inches higher I would be in panic trouble! You draw from my breath - and I'm still recovering from that insane double gorilla crush! My head swims as i inhale and ''get nothing!'' Shifting madly to get my head room to pull back and disengage this oxygen leeching hold!
The clever though, this will FORCE me to let go or black out trying. I ROCK BACK on my knees LIFTING you off the mats and disengage SHOVING you flat. Hands doubled into a massive fist... up and SLAM on your exposed chest right over the sternum! TITAN HAMMER!
Gasping for air again for the second time in the match! Still locked in your legs like tentacle-porn, You take a brutal hit!
(Hmmm - tentacle porn)

18:11 AsianAssassin: I can feel you sink into the kiss... not just from the shock and loss of air but actually almost surrendering to it? Am I dreaming.... punch drunk? Damn.
Then that lift... exposing me to the audience and to your massive fists...
I blank out for a brief moment. Like the hammer that spark creation into life... that hit of yours feels like it would nearly snuff me out... massive arms pounding me again!
I am forced to drop my hold on you... as I try to get away and make distance... hoping to get some recovery in this tiny ring. Chest heaving from the impact and need to recover... I get to the corner and slowly try to get up....
18:44 ErikAtlas: The hit SCORES hard and yu drill into the mats! Your eyes shock wide open! The leg lock pops open and I feel that crushing vise on my hips finally relent! I slowly get up but you ain't setting any speed records. I get the feeling some people bet their houses on you winning, they scream for you to get up, and pitch garbage at me.
It's time to show you true love Atlas style. Your face is a precious thing when I loom over you as you try to get up in the corner. I grab your arm and PULL you up the last few inches and you feel my huge arms SLAM around your body, trapping your right arm at your side and SQUEEEEEZE lifting you into my bearhug. Arms of welcoming meaty muscle engulf you and shove you tight against my massive chest... the muscle turns to girders of steel around you crushing you into the anvil of my chest, driving your right elbow into your ribs! ATLAS CRUSH!
NOW you feel my area of expertise. How lips at your ear. "Yes.... I loved the kiss... thank you..." I shift you to face me and KISS you again, SQUEEZING the remaining fight out of you!
12:58 AsianAssassin: The sound that comes out of my mouth both shocks, worries, and turns on the entire audience in varying degrees. Pain, pleasure, surprise, and resistance all rolled into one as your massive frame picks me up and you apply your mythical ATLAS CRUSH on my mortal body and I can almost feel my muscles and bones rearrange themselves to compensate!
I arch my muscled back in response to your crush.. and you feel that my own body seems to harden itself... stone-like... to resist the piston pythons! My lats and traps are bulging in this struggle... and those in the front can almost make out a face that mirrors the agony and defiance happening! I raise my arm... and I hold it up... then I sag for a moment... the audience thinking I'm done for.... long moments of my struggling, seemingly orgasmic face, and sweating muscles will fill the social media circles for days....
My right hand grabs something.. anything... and I bend it towards my body... and I try to worm it between our bodies so I can get some extra space between the crush to give some breathing room... but what works more is my left... grabbing the nape of your neck as you lean in for the whisper... I actually... respond... "Muh... tooo... Huff.... suhmmm.. mhhrrrr!" then I LOCK LIPS WITH YOU... my hand on your nape holding you down... as I gamble it... fuck it... and try for another ASSASSIN'S KISS (OF DEATH!)
17:21 ErikAtlas: I hear you gruff back at me... ''me too'' and know we're in that interwoven fight and fuck mix. My cock throbbing wanting to fuck u madly! You deepen the kiss and DRAW into my breath!!? You got a powerful chest and lungs and in another position, this would wreck me... my cock throbs at THAT idea but no, not today Dracula.
I loosen the bearhug and then EXPLODE with a BURST of pressure DRIVING those steel-girder forearms into your back, now FLEXING MY BACK into the crush!! Your breath drives out of your mouth... and some of mine comes back... and I DRAW a deep suction of breath, through the kiss, from the remains in your chest. Moving to the corner I drop forward, pinning the back of your head on the buckle pad, denying your head any escape room from the KISS. The SQUEEEZE bears in tighter and tighter.
My cock throbbing having your tight amazing body in A BREATHLESS VISE! And kissing you deeper than you've ever had!!
17:41 AsianAssassin: It was a risk... and sometimes, it does not pay back as you expect. You simply squeeze me again like a balloon. Leveraging your near 60 pounds advantage and CRUSH my torso with a massive pulse that makes all the others in the ring edge wince in sympathy. Whatever grunt or groan I would've made is merely taken back into your lungs, like Parasite against Superman.
My body tries to ach back... stone struggling against your steel and my eyes widen as you rest my head against the buckle, like two lovers in a Parisian embrace... only I'm used to being one in control. My cock throbs between us.. and my right hand squeezes... caresses your muscle between us... is it a tap? is it a gesture of defiance... even I can't tell...
I can't escape... nor can I power out now after losing my breath from your hold... my torso feels heavy and the crowd can see Im suffering... my arms starting to slack... my legs....
My legs... In a sudden burst of inspiration with my head and back against something... I can swing my legs up.... and WRAP those around your waist! Before you realize it, I'm SQUEEZING your waist and as the pressure moves between us... I move my free left hand between our mouths... and GRAB your mouth and jaw, hoping to cover your nose as well… Hand power engaged and not letting you shake it off, your mouth and nose covered! I CLAMP IT shut!... I turn to the side... and GASP and regain my breath!
10:59 ErikAtlas: The crush is countered by your flex but I feel that slowly crumbling under pressure and your face looking desperate after your signature finisher fails a second time! You shift and squirm, showing the built in flaw of the bearhug, even with terrible power. if a man's spirit isn't near breaking, he has credible counters...
A hand covers my mouth, then clamping my nose! I shake my head furiously! The clamp stays! I fail to get any air!! FUKK I have to release this hold!.... There's a price to this much frustration.... I Back a step TURN and SLAM on the mats landing on top of you!
18:58 AsianAssassin: You keep leveraging your hot massive, body against mine. LIke a massive redwood you SLAM be back first to the canvas and use your body on top of mine again.... If it wasn't for your massive arms around me, the impact would've been more direct and intense... and that I must thank you!
The slam does rock me a bit.. Addling me for a brief second as your hot frame smothers and crushes me... I then realized that my head was tilted to the side and can breathe! I take a few hard and deep breaths to clear my mind... and calm the panic.. then I KEEP the smother GRIP on you... TIGHTENING my stone grip as much as possible... as I try to work my legs around you now... hoping to get higher on your waist this time and SQUEEZE.
My other hand tries to go to seal the deal now... snaking around your body... over your bicep and pec... to clamp on my own wrist, I HOLD the clamp in place! I start to slowly rock us together... trying to find a rhythm... hoping to turn us over and get you facing the canvas this time!
11:04 ErikAtlas: The SLAM! My face dislodges from the grip on my breath, Taking a breath but that all stops quick! You reposition and show me this hold you had on me was MUCH better suited to being on the mats. Your leg leverage improves and your arm locks clamping tight over my mouth and nose! MRREFFF!!! The breath I stole is crushed out of my chest! I disentangle my arms to get free to fight this breath sucking grip... flexing my core hard, feeling bruised inside from the constant pressure over the last 8 minutes.
Just as I get my arms free I feel you trying to wiggle to take my back. Working my right hand between us, up between your pecs and PRYING space, I finally pull in a hard breath breaking that smother grip! My red face telling the crowd you had me in trouble. My left hand meeting my right I PUSH like it was a record bench press shoving your face away from mine forcing your hands to part.
You feel my back FLAIR wide and my chest turn to iron in your face...planting a right foot to stand then quickly shifting attack to lunge and turn my right hand back and grab your ankle! I work to unhook that body vise locked on me!
18:42 AsianAssassin: LIke a threatened cobra your massive trunk FLARES out and I feel my muscles having to stretch to even contain the amount of size you've put on. I realize that you're in defensive mode... that the smother I have on you is a CLEAR threat that you are exerting as much as you can to break it.
I almost slip and the hold breaks... pain and exhaustion is nibbling at the edges of my sight... indicators that I'm hitting those limits of keeping up with your power. Still I fight to keep the hold on... hoping... wishing that you're much closer to exhaustion that I am. I can only hear the rumble of the crowd and trying to get a sense of who they favor but thoughts are getting dull.
Then you grab my ankle.
A surge of fear... surprise... anger.... WHY. WON'T. YOU. FALL?? Perhaps in rare frustration... pure rage... I draw on darker plans and tactics in my arsenal of moves. My body moves to strike hard... and that other hand that only sought to hold the smother tightly, disengages... and suddenly claws at your exposed neck... finding that cluster of nerves near your carotid artery.. and I CRUSH it! "FALL... DAMN YOU!!!" I shout with abandon! A shock fills the crowd... they are reminded of WHY I am who I am! I lock you in the Silencer of Screams! Using hand power and focus into pressure points I crush a claw grip into the side of your neck!
11:04 ErikAtlas: I reach back to unlock your legs, confident I'm out of trouble, dint see that reaching back, I opened my shoulder and neck for such an attack! Your hand hits my neck with the power of a punch and slices into my neck gripping into the side. MY EYES POP WIDE... pain and horror... the pain is so sudden I feel my stomach flip. I think I unhooked your legs...
I took this attack from Zach the Python... I knocked it loose and recovered quickly... this one feels different. The crowd goes quiet. That's not good. I see some of the faces. Then it dawns on me. Zach was a knee-breaker. Alex is an Assassin. He has me in a lethal grip.... maybe? I don't know but the guess rings more fact than fear. To prove my wandering thought true, my right hand starts going numb and shaking on its own! The pain is like a vein of ice leeching into my chest! Working to stand.... and I only think so. I get my leg planted to stand and my power to lift is gone. My right pec muscle is shaking now!
I have to get up and get out of this. POWERING to stand, my breath is shivering in spasms. My right leg stops obeying me, and I drop back to the mats in much less control and I end up landing on my side. "No.... yur not getting away with this... " My left hand reaches over to your hand and GRABS your clawing hand and PULLS with so much power my chest and arms shred to muscle detail. HURTS! Ohmahgawd the pain!
Your fingers slowly tear out of my neck, feeling shin shredding and pain as your fingers get ripped slowly from my neck... your hand left there shaking trying to redo the grip!!
18:42 AsianAssassin: The crowd's initial silence goes into rumblings of fear and shock... and then as you PEEL my fingers off your neck they GO WILD!
I get the sense that the nerve attack is working... you stumble and shiver.. and that rush I get when a man’s body starts to shut down in my grip exhilarates me! But then you do get to stand and amazingly start to break my grip with your hand... we roll on the floor as you do this, I force you on your back with me mounted on top of you.. with my hand being crushed in your desperate grip... the audience takes the sight of you drawing my hand away, like a sword from the stone...
I DRIVE my free elbow HARD onto your skull to disorient you! Then I worm my hand away from your grip... and spread your arms wide... and the thud to the canvas, exposing your armpits... and with my targets wide I target your pec muscles and grab either side of your armpits... fingers hooked under the pec meat and pit... thumbs on top.. and I CRUSH the connections of your arm and torso! If I can't overpower you.. then I will damn well disable you! My legs on either side of your hips jockeying for position and clamping down to keep you restrained!!
11:04 ErikAtlas:I can tell the house smells blood in the water. You hit me with that claw. We're both slick with sweat under the lights. Gagging after I get that claw out of my neck! The pain is incredible!
You roll us and my thick back hits the mats. "AWUUUUGHHH!" You don't just HIT my pecs, the claw grips spear in hard! Sliding under my pec into the radial nerve. I flex after the hit and you feel massive mounds of pec meat shiver in your embrace.

Squirming in pain... my arms going numb and my hands start shaking! Kicking on the mats in frustration and pain. you watch me writhe… then I close my eyes and FOCUS... When my eyes open my determination and will is re-made! I plant my feet flat and THRUST UP HARD with my hips threatening to launch you off me like a catapult!!
14:09 AsianAssassin: Fuck. FUCK. You thrash around and your hips thrust madly. I know I hit deep nerves on multiple levels here. It;s hooked in deep! I have to ride this beast to bring him down! The crowd sees that too and they go wild at the turn this match is going. Still, a cornered beast is at its most dangerous... What more for a titan?
I work to secure my CLAMP down on your fibers... working your muscle and body to the FULLEST extent of my grip... panting madly... knowing that if this hold breaks my grip won't be able to reset in time to fight back. Already I can feel my fingers goes numb from the sheer force I am applying!
You buck up, trying to push me off.. and I RIDE your force and as we land, this allows me to move my legs around your waist again! "Feel... Familiar.... ERIK??" I feel the sadistic rush of just enjoying the struggle of trying to crush your muscle... and so with my hands and legs... and that sadistic look down on your sexy struggling face.. I. S Q U E E Z E!!
14:48 ErikAtlas: I've sent men in a catapult to Mars with that hip thrust! It was like you were waiting for it and kept tight on me by clamping those python legs on me... AGAIN! Your grip screws into both pecs and delivers savage pain! My mouth open and head back… gawd… the pain! I flex my core in time as your legs work my waist. Those quads of urs showing wicked shredded detail.
I make sure I stay on my back and put as much weight on your ankles under me working to make that squeezer grip on me painful to deliver. Your hands clawing, your chest flexing to fibrous detail... My hands together and HIT you with a thump over your chest! And again! My hands are shaking now and barely able to grip each other. Face reddening under the pressure and pain feeling some relief after those hits but running out of counters...
My head back as I groan in pain, my neck still throbbing.....
16:08 AsianAssassin: The sweat literally flies off my body as those chest strikes rock my torso. A massive THOOOM sound shakes the ring that echoes the GRUNT and GROAN that comes out of my lips.. spit forced out of my mouth from the impact... however.. whether my hold is weakening you... or you don't have enough leverage... I still keep my CLAW on you as tight as possible... even DIGGING IN DEEPER! Blood is starting to well under my fingers.
"Whats... the... matter... Erik?... You can …say it…..." as I watch your reddening face then you arch your head and neck back and away from me... "'re... MINE!" Feeling a driving urge to dominate this Titan... I FLEX my quads even more... the teardrop ridges of my muscles RIPPLING as I crush your core further!!! In spite of your flex, I watch your abs reshaped under the crushing pressure… “Time to QUIT!”
20:27 ErikAtlas: Trapped on my back under you, those legs tirelessly crushing into me.. head back in agony... my pecs in fiery pain! I caint feel them flex any more and wetness starts trickling down my sides... fuckkk I'm bleeding from this claw!?
I grab your hands and pull! "AWUUUGHHh!!! ....OH FUKKK!!" I scream out.... pulling is bad... that hurts 10 times worse... I need to get off my back. this is gonna hurt... I HUMP up with my hips as hard as I got and PULL you left rolling you off me... I know this is going to improve your squeeze leverage if I do this wrong...
You roll and I stand on my legs stacking you... deciding to fight one hand at a time... both grabbing your right hand "AWUGHHHHhgawd!" TEARING to pull it off my left pec! Five red rivers leaking from where your hand is gripped...
10:21 AsianAssassin: You HUMP me off with sheer power that rocks me... and your grip against my hand is so powerful that you still manage to take my right hand off your pec... but my fingers and nail are dug in deep and dddrrraaawwwsss blood after breaking through the skin!
You grab on my hands feel like you could snap the fingers and joints of my hand and I find myself growling.. no... SCREAMING in pain! With one hand left on your pec, applying the GRIP and the CLAW CRUSHS the skin and fibers more... drawing even more blood there as my nails dig deep!
With you stacked over me.. I need to take you down again... I keep the left-hand claw to prevent any retaliation from your left arm... my legs still wrapped around your waist... I wrench my right hand from your grip... and instead use your position against you... with blood pumping more towards your head... I wrap my around the nape of your neck and there it is again! The Silencer of Screams sinks into the side of your neck again! ... and then use my legs to CRUSH at your torso... hoping to find the weakening sore parts and WORK that... air and blood constricted.. adding pressure to your skull... Your defenses are crumbling and I dare to believe I will prevail!
21:28 ErikAtlas: I dig deep getting ready to lift and slam and your hand hits my neck! My eyes snap wide... the pain returns and my head swims. You crush into my waist... you feel your legs carve into me! FUKKKK!!! The shock from that grip left my core open... so many attacks at the same time... I wanna pound your face in and my hands are shaking from the nerve damage. I try to scream and caint get a word out at all! You see my huge right arm flail, that's me ''thinking” I'm punching you but that’s the stunted reality of what my hand can deliver.
''I'm in trouble....he's carving parts off me...''
A trail of blood leaks down my core as my knees buckle from the pain... my head swimming dizzy...! dropping on top of you as I crumble slowly....
13:52 AsianAssassin: I feel like a monkey... koala... sloth even... holding on the tree trunk of your body, holding on for dear life! I can feel my grip starting to slip as my fingers start to go numb from exertion... and just when I think... This is it... I'm spent....
Your hand flails and I can feel your weight slowly moving forward, that center of balance of yours leaning more towards your head... then slowly... slowly.... down as your legs slowly skid down. The crowd ROARS as they see Atlas slowly shrugging and hold on for dear life to do it! As your knees hit the canvas with a THUD.. and your body leans and crumbles forward... something about this inspires... dares me....
I release the legs around your waist and plant my foot to the floor... with your neck still locked in my arm I slowly get up... now with you hunched in your knees in the choke... "I'm sorry.." I find myself whispering... Honestly, I am worried that you'd still recover after this.. and so I choose to take a risk to end a risk... as I then hook your neck under my pit... with my arms free, I reach other... wrap my arms around your waist... then I GRUNT and LIFT you up a few feet off the ground... CAMERAS FLASHING.... as I get to suspend you mere inches off the ground in this exhausted state...
20:03 ErikAtlas: I feel my waist released... knowing I'm going to have bruised guts after this shit... You stand... my head swimming and not bearing my balance... Then your whisper "I'm sorry..." That's got an incredible effect on a man. I'm used to villains saying shit like "I got you now" or morons asking, "How's that feel?" But you make The apology, words a good man uses before committing an atrocity. Said by an assassin? It suddenly rings like doom. My head chills as we drop!

Darkness swallows me.... you feel my hit and go limp in your grip. Huge muscled power, a meaty sweat slick mess. You hear me choking for air in your grip... in my head, a large darkness looms over my shoulder '''Aren't you FINISHED?'''
''Oh him again... what a pushy ass....''
20:18 AsianAssassin: After driving you to the canvas head first, the only thing that registers in my mind is that drive... that instinct to survive... and it's a few seconds before I realize that you barely stir... shallow gasps between us...
The crowd goes wild as I keep the choke and move one leg over your hips for a pin... and I raise one of your massive arms.... the crowd counts ONE! I let go and your hand drops.
Fuck. Please don't get up. I can feel my legs already sinking into the canvas. I don't think I have any strength left.
TWO the crowd screams and again your hand falls after release... and I let out a sigh... I can feel the choke already loose and barely locked on. My chest heaving as I pant in utter exhaustion.
I raise your hand again... then let it go...
20:46 ErikAtlas: The dark figure hands me a chalice. '''You look thirsty. Take this...'''
I look around and realize its dreamscape. I'm wrapped in a tentacle beast with the face of Alex the Asian Assassin. Nine long feathery tentacles wrap my body. I look at the Dark Figure and say, "I'm really a little busy..." the tendrils of the beast move in slow motion around my throat and flow in a strange groping wrap around my legs. The hills around us hold a thousand voices that shout '''ONE'''
The dark figure bristles and tries reason. '''Should you refuse me and my hospitality, your reward will be pain and public sexual humiliation. Drink. Stop this foolishness...''' he shoves the cup at me.
The tendrils of the thing coiling around me form claws gripping into my pecs, my arms, my neck... the cup smells like chicken soup and I know the pain ends there. Tendril claws are cutting into my skin. Like you do in dreams, I don't seem to panic...
I say to the Big Darkness, "I know, but you see he promised me dinner..." the hills shout '''TWO!!'''
'''You reject me for food prepared by an ASSASSIN...?''' the great voice was laced with indignation. Maybe even sounded a bit hurt.
I paused pulling a swirling invasion of tentacles from my neck. black smoky appendages. ''Dinner... you are dinner.... I will eat you for dinner…'' the assassin whispers in my ear. "I know. Hush already, " I tell the creature. "Honest, thanks for the cup, but if the Assassin kills me at dinner, you'll be able to buy me a drink then."
I wake in this world…. And EVERYTHING HURTS... I'm face down in the ring, I wanna barf, fighting for a clean breath. Still in the clutches of the Asian Assassin... a huge booming chorus of voices sounds around me '''THREE!''' Laying collapsed on the Alex....

18:32 AsianAssassin: Your hand hangs for a few moments in the air... everyone in the arena unaware of whatever faculties still work and operate within you. Even I look at that massive fist with worry and exhilaration.... and then it FALLS.
THE CROWD LIGHTS UP as your hand falls and I disengage and roll away from you... spread eagle-ing on the canvas.... just exhausted... SPENT from the effort of taking you down. Chest rising and falling, ears immune to screaming crowd outside. Celebrating the win... but more than that.. celebrating the match.
A true moment of sportsmanship... walking the edge of my limits... physical.. psychological... I slowly get up... and RAISE my fist to the crowd that celebrates with me!
I then walk to you.. I grab your hand... and rouse you... from your daze and lift your hand as an amazing competitor and the CROWD sees this and goes wild!
I then lean forward and plant a deep, heavy kiss drawing even more hoots and cheers... As I walk you to the corner... "I'm sorry." I say again but this time with a naughty smile... as we both know how contests like this go. I RIIIIIPPPPPP your trunks off and lean you against the corner... and raise your legs so they wrap around my legs... my own cock already out of my pants, leaking... grazing your perineum... grinding.... then with a HUG and deep kiss.. a PUSH in!
04:24 <ErikAtlas> I'm not truly awake or aware until I hear you saying you're sorry and the velcro panels of my trunks RIIPPPP and I feel exposed. My chest HURTS throbbing hard with my hammering pulse. My neck hurts too. I hear you apologize and feel like I heard this before.... oh shit. I look around left and right, then into your eyes. "Well.... shit!" You're smiling... I bet you are, we're at that part of the show... your cock is super hard and close to that "Oh-hell-no" size.
Your kiss is amazing, in spite of the pain. Muscle, skin, sweat mingle into a roaring sensation of lust. A moan escapes my lips. You lift my legs wasting no time. "You owe me... dinner!"
Your cock spears me good and I cry out... that HURTS! Gasping and gagging initially, my hands grip into your arms as you tram that monster cock into my sweat slick hole.
12:23 <AsianAssassin> My pace is slow at first.. making sure your hole is ready for me... and a copious precum flood makes sure I'm lubing you up properly.. you remind of dinner.. and of course, I never for my own word. "Hell.... stay... the... week.." I grunt as my pace starts to quicken.... "I'll feed you... anything... you want!"
Something in me burns hot as your hole starts to accept me... and with sudden power I grab your legs... LIFT you off the corner still impaled... then I slam you back first over the edge of the ring, facing out. as I grab your legs and THRUST you for the audience to see as well.. GODDAMN you are such a hot fuck... and I want EVERYONE to see you!
I fuck that hole of yours, watching your muscles jiggle as I do for as hard, fast, and deep as I can.. until I start to feel that shaking in my legs.... my balls... arms growing heavy.... "Ready... for the.... first.. course?"
14:58 <ErikAtlas> You spear me good and I breathe and work to relax into it... and FUK that's a bitch of a tool! I'm not alien to mansex but that thing is huge and my nails are already clawing into the mats working to take it.... You pick up speed and I FOCUS control..... you feel it... I can see your frenzy and speed take off.... Putting me into your best position you drive and roll... "Ready... for the.... first.. course?"
"I can take anything..."

15:12 <AsianAssassin> "Good." I grunt as I RAM my cock DEEP INSIDE you and feel a massive gush of warm fluid inside of you.. "YOU... ARE... MINE... FOR.. THE... WEEK!!!!!!"
I feel as though a cold sweat flows out of me, and right into your hole... my remaining strength sapped by your monstrous body hole as WAVE upon WAVE upon WAVE of manjuice seeds you... so much cum that can't count the crests and troughs of ecstasy.
Just like that, the exhaustion from the fight and cumshot overcome me. I raise my hand in victory and slowly.. almost gracefully, fall backwards... my last clear visual your glorious thighs and ass with my cum sputtering out of it.. as I land on the canvas with the dumbest face of happiness, spread eagled!