Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Back when Hulk hogan was a villain...
Tony Atlas bearhugged the CRAP outta him...

Sunday, May 8, 2016

so Mom looked at the selfie you sent to your man, and remembered her little boy and cried a single tear. She wanted you to grow up of course, if only to get you to stop eating everything in the fridge so fast. Of course you're not what she expected to see as a man. Trust me, she's amazed.

thanks mom, I noticed.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

"Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one."
Marcus Aurelius

Monday, May 2, 2016

LionJames from Cleveland says ...

An alpha male never takes advantage of other people and their kindness. He works hard to provide for himself, and doesn't feel comfortable being in other people's debt. If his date tries to contribute, his first instinct is to calmly take the check and say, "Let me get this."

An alpha male has no hang-ups. He simply says, "I was wrong. I apologize." And then he sets out to rectify the problem as best he can using the means available to him.

An alpha male doesn't suck up to anyone. In most situations, he is the leader. And when he isn't, he's respectful, but not afraid to speak his mind if the situation calls for it. He gets ahead through effort and hard work, not through buttering up to the right people.

An alpha male never betrays his pack, but he doesn't feel the need to belittle others either. He doesn't need to build himself up by tearing people down.

An alpha male's natural element is change. Rapid change is simply an interesting challenge to him. He goes into a special kind of ice-cold, almost detached state, quickly sums up the situation, does due diligence if time allows for it, and acts immediately and decisively based on prior experience. His heart rate might increase a little bit, but he isn't scared.

An alpha male may act with lightning speed, but he always thinks before he does so. He never runs to the corner and goes off in all directions; he knows that well-considered actions are the ones that bring positive results, not knee-jerk reactions.

An alpha male takes responsibility for his own actions. He doesn't seek out excuses to make himself seem less culpable; he knows that his hard work and persistence will eventually turn the tide in his favor, so he doesn't sweat owning up to his mistakes.

An Alpha Male isn't a liar. He's a stand-up guy; he shoots straight. He doesn't have to slither out of a mess he got himself into. He does what's right, and lets the chips fall where they may.

An alpha male never betrays a member of his pack, and he doesn't stab his coworkers or acquaintances in the back either. By conducting himself in a gentlemanly manner, he gets the respect he deserves -- and that pays off much more than whatever benefits he would get from throwing others under the bus.

An alpha male isn't afraid to take on a real fight when it's necessary -- and only if it is necessary, since alphas aren't "scrappers" -- but he won't think twice about taking on someone far bigger/stronger/better-situated than he is if the matter being decided is serious. Due to his fierce drive, chances are good that he'll win -- and if he doesn't, you can bet he won't blame anyone else.

...any questions?